Thank you for thinking of us! We are grateful that you would like to support us, and we have a number of options for how to give.
Online giving
You can give via credit card, bank transfer, or Paypal on our Kindful page. If you are supporting a specific staff member or if you are giving towards the Christmas campaign, please indicate that in the drop-down menu.
Note that Kindful does charge a small processing fee of 2.9%, but this is the preferred method if you would like to indicate that your gift is to support a specific staff member or campaign.
Bank transfer via Zelle
Most banks allow you to make a transfer at no cost to Manna via Zelle, using Manna's email address ( To do so, login to your online bank portal, click transfers, and then follow the instructions.
PayPal Giving Fund
Manna accepts donations through PayPal Giving Fund without fees at this link.
Give one-time or set up monthly donations (for a small fee) through our PayPal link.
Physical checks
Make checks payable to "Manna Christian Fellowship" and mail to:
Manna Christian Fellowship
P.O. Box 577
Princeton, NJ 08542-0577
Recurring payments via physical checks can be set up using Auto-Bill Pay from your bank. Here are instructions for Bank of America; the process should be similar for other banks:
- Log into the BOA online account and click on "Payment Center" under the “Bill Pay” tab
- Click on "Add a Company or Person"
- Click on the "Person" tab
- Fill in the following information: First and Last Name: Manna Christian Fellowship; Address: P.O. Box 577, Princeton, NJ 08542-0577; Phone number: 240.599.6220
- After adding the Pay-To Account, enter the amount you’d like to donate.
- If you’d like to make donations on a regular basis, click on “AutoPay”.
- Set up the amount, frequency and duration as you feel led and see fit.
Additional options
If you would like to wire transfer a donation to Manna, or gift Manna with stocks, bonds and securities, please contact us at for more information.
Manna Christian Fellowship is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and your donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. You will be provided with a receipt for filing purposes. Manna depends on the financial generosity and prayers of our supporters, and we are extremely grateful for your partnership with us to witness faithfully on Princeton's campus.